Monday, February 20, 2012


This college student is a bad poster. ..anyway.
     Bon Iver you know the awesome folky band that won the 2011 Grammy for best new artist.  Even though For Emma, Forever Ago has gotten near constant rotation both literally and figuratively, in people's CD players since 2008.  This is why I love the Grammy's they always seem just a little late to the game, despite the fact that they represent the pinnacle of the music industry.  The Grammy's have always struck me as a band of crusty old men in black robes that are always a bit behind the curve, and it's moments like this that solidify that for me.  Don't get me wrong I think Bon Iver totally deserves a Grammy, but best new artist ...seriously?  Yeah you grammy wizards are a little behind the times.  Thank god we weren't... Now if you'll excuse me I need to go sing along to Skinny Love and bob my head.

As always tour page