Today is the day I have been waiting for since the announced they were beginning filming in October. I will be at the cinema this evening. With a large smile in my face.
"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"
Season 3, Episode 4

PS: This is also one of the most well done pieces I've ever read or heard, about fate and chance. It really makes you think.
Quotable Quotes:
Yappi: Skeptics like you make me sick.
Mulder: Mr.Yappi, read this thought.
(Yappi concentrates for a moment)
Yappi: So's your old man!
Clyde: What is this?
Mulder: The only evidence recovered from Claude Duckenfield's body. That fiber may have come from something the killer was wearing at the time of the crime.
Clyde: Don't you have crime labs that could analyze these things for you?
Scully: (meaningful look at Mulder) Yes! Yes, we do.
Clyde: Look, I've got my own work to do. I'm not a crime fighter by trade.
Mulder: Mr. Bruckman. I can't speak for my partner. But I'm desperate. For some insurance.
Clyde: General Mutual has some very comprehensive coverage...
(Mulder waves the evidence bag in front of Clyde's face)
Clyde: Oh I can't tell you where this is from, but the killer is going to kill more people before you catch him.
Scully: Can you see him physically yet?
Clyde: No. No, just more insight into his character which I know you hate.
Clyde: I'd like to see both of your badges again. Right now?
(Mulder and Scully take out their badges)
Scully: I don't blame you, Mr. Bruckman.
Clyde: (scoffs at Mulder's badge): I'm supposed to believe that's a real name? ... What is this all about? I found a dead body in my dumpster and I reported it to the police. Now suddenly I'm accused of doing things or being able to do things I couldn't possibly-- (Breaks off and walks slowly over to table, which is spattered with blood. Runs for the bathroom and vomits.)
Mulder: (To Scully) Pinch me.
(At the crime scene where the victim's eyes and entrails have been left on the table)
Photographer: They say the eyes capture the last image the murder victim sees before they get killed.
Detective Cline: What do they say about the entrails?
Photographer: "Yuck."
Clyde: We're almost there.
Mulder: Now how are you receiving this information about the body's location?
Clyde: How should I know?
Mulder: I mean are you seeing it in a vision or is it a sensation? How do you know where to go?
Clyde: I just know.
Mulder: But how do you know?
Clyde: I don't know!! (Mulder leans into the back seat and sulks) Look it's just up ahead. There are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified one than autoerotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: (Leans forward) And why are you telling me that?
Clyde: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.

And here's a great retrospective by Lylexf on YouTube here.
"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"
Season 3, Episode 4
In the midst of a psychic sideshow while on a murder case. Mulder and Scully enlist the help of a man who may have a true psychic ability to foresee how people will die. Mulder hopes to use this ability to help catch a man killing fortune tellers. (from
PS: This is also one of the most well done pieces I've ever read or heard, about fate and chance. It really makes you think.
Quotable Quotes:
Yappi: Skeptics like you make me sick.
Mulder: Mr.Yappi, read this thought.
(Yappi concentrates for a moment)
Yappi: So's your old man!
Clyde: What is this?
Mulder: The only evidence recovered from Claude Duckenfield's body. That fiber may have come from something the killer was wearing at the time of the crime.
Clyde: Don't you have crime labs that could analyze these things for you?
Scully: (meaningful look at Mulder) Yes! Yes, we do.
Clyde: Look, I've got my own work to do. I'm not a crime fighter by trade.
Mulder: Mr. Bruckman. I can't speak for my partner. But I'm desperate. For some insurance.
Clyde: General Mutual has some very comprehensive coverage...
(Mulder waves the evidence bag in front of Clyde's face)
Clyde: Oh I can't tell you where this is from, but the killer is going to kill more people before you catch him.
Scully: Can you see him physically yet?
Clyde: No. No, just more insight into his character which I know you hate.
Clyde: I'd like to see both of your badges again. Right now?
(Mulder and Scully take out their badges)
Scully: I don't blame you, Mr. Bruckman.
Clyde: (scoffs at Mulder's badge): I'm supposed to believe that's a real name? ... What is this all about? I found a dead body in my dumpster and I reported it to the police. Now suddenly I'm accused of doing things or being able to do things I couldn't possibly-- (Breaks off and walks slowly over to table, which is spattered with blood. Runs for the bathroom and vomits.)
Mulder: (To Scully) Pinch me.
(At the crime scene where the victim's eyes and entrails have been left on the table)
Photographer: They say the eyes capture the last image the murder victim sees before they get killed.
Detective Cline: What do they say about the entrails?
Photographer: "Yuck."
Clyde: We're almost there.
Mulder: Now how are you receiving this information about the body's location?
Clyde: How should I know?
Mulder: I mean are you seeing it in a vision or is it a sensation? How do you know where to go?
Clyde: I just know.
Mulder: But how do you know?
Clyde: I don't know!! (Mulder leans into the back seat and sulks) Look it's just up ahead. There are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified one than autoerotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: (Leans forward) And why are you telling me that?
Clyde: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.
And here's a great retrospective by Lylexf on YouTube here.
Go See X-Files I Want to Believe in cinemas now!
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